March 2, 2017
March 2, 2017
Philippians 3:14
"I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the Heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."
I'm trying really hard to reach the end of the race right now. It feels like it'll never end!
And it's hard..
We are all running the race.
But are we running for God?
Or are we running for man?
Are we running for the heavenly prize that this verse talks about?
Or for earthly treasures that are only temporary? For fortune, for fame?
I know that I'm running for my creator. My God. My Heavenly Father.
And until we get to Heaven, we are called to keep running for Him, even when we come to obstacles, trials and tribulations.
Set your eyes on Him.
Let Him be the main focus of your life.
Let Him be the main focus of your life.
New Years Resolution:
Focus on Him, and run the race set out for me with everything I am. Set my sights on God.
Focus on Him, and run the race set out for me with everything I am. Set my sights on God.
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