March 4, 2017

March 4, 2017

Romans 12:12

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying."

I am SO sorry for not writing the last couple nights! Thursday was our multicultural concert and yesterday I felt like a zombie ALL DAY LONG.
But I'm back, and today, I had the pleasure of attending Olivia Godinez's Quinceanera! <3

Anyway... I am lovin' today's verse. It's definitely one I want to remember and hold in my heart.

There are lots of times when I struggle in rejoicing in hope, and being patient and praying. If there was one fruit of the spirit I'd need to work on most, it'd be patience. And I talk a lot of stuff. I tell people, "Hold on to hope. It's the thing you can always find in a hard time. Look for the light." But I'm not perfect. I struggle too... And it's hard.

It is so hard to wait and have hope and faith in what God is doing. 

You sit there and you look up at the ceiling and all you want to do is yell at God, "WHY? Why is this happening? I don't understand! What good could POSSIBLY come out of this situation??" And you cry. And you get angry. You throw some things around until you get to the place where you just want to be completely alone... By yourself to be mad.  

But when it feels like everything is going downhill, my New Year's Resolution is to REALLY look for God's light and thank Him for WHATEVER He's going to do.  To keep on praying, even if it TRULY FEELS like prayer never works. Because it does. You just have to have hope. You have to have faith. Trust Him.


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