It's Been a Minute...
Happy September, officially!
I thought today was as good a day as any to write my first blog post in I don't even know how long.
I am back in college, as a junior, my third year, and feeling all the emotions associated with that. I was on campus for most of my freshman year, 2019-2020, but Covid cut that off real quick in March of 2020. I have not been living on campus since then, until now. So many things are different, in so many good ways, but also crazy ways. There has been so much going on in my own life, that has brought so much change and newness.
I am not good with change, but I'm learning.
Now, on campus this semester, I have a class called The Creative Christian. In this class we are learning how to bring back and integrate our own creativity into our lives. We are learning how we are all creative in our own ways, and God has made each one of us as such, because He is the Great Creator. In my class, we do journal prompts every week, and this week it was asked of me what creative activity I have always loved, to which I responded: writing. We were then asked how it has changed as we have gotten older, and how that thing makes us feel.
We also were asked what creative endeavor we would like to get back into this semester, to which I responded: writing blog posts. Then the prompt immediately following was to do that thing we wrote down. Therefore, here I am.
I want to get back into writing posts on this website. I don't know how often I will do so, or what entirely I will write about aside from devotionals, but I want to let the Lord lead me in that. This website is a creative outlet for good in my life, and I believe God can use it for His glory.
God has been so good to me. And I cannot wait to write more, and share just how good my God is. For now, I will leave it at this: because God is the ultimate Creator, we have been made to create. We know this from Genesis 1. The first thing we learn about God is that He is a creator. I want to create and feel close to God in that way. I'm excited to see how I will learn and grow this semester, and I hope to bring you all along with me throughout it all.
And with all that said, I will write soon.
Welcome back.
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